Due to the vast volume of emails and phone calls we receive, we’ve put together this page to answer the most common questions we get.
Please read through this very short list of FAQ’s to see if your answer is here before you contact us.
This will give you the info you need much faster than we will be able to reply to your direct inquiry. Thank you!
Please read the following before calling or emailing
The price, content, and dates for a class can be found on the class page. Dates will show up right at the top and again at the bottom, in the registration section. Most of the page will contain information about class content. Pricing is located near the bottom of the page, in the registration section. If a class is not currently open for registration (you’ll see a waitlist signup box in this case), pricing is not currently public. You can explore our online classes here and our in-person classes here where you can find links to class pages.
If you do not receive a welcome email in your inbox, please check your spam and promotions folders. It’s important that you get them, as they contain a lot of crucial information about your class. In order to make sure these messages get to your inbox, please make the following email addresses “safe senders”:
- admin@wildabundance.net
- bookkeeper.wildabundance@gmail.com
This link gives good instructions on how to make email addresses “safe senders” in gmail, yahoo mail and outlook: http://onlinegroups.net/blog/2014/02/25/how-to-whitelist-an-email-address/. You can also look up how to make emails “safe senders” for your specific email provider with a simple web search. If you still aren’t receiving emails, please contact us at admin@wildabundance.net.
The sliding scale is a simple tiered pricing system that allows people to choose the price they are able to pay, within a specified range. We ask that folks with a household income of $115K+ pay on the upper end of the sliding scale, and that others locate themselves on the scale using this as a reference. This system allows folks of different financial means to be able to pay proportionally similar amounts for our classes.
Some of our classes fill extremely quickly. In order to make sure you get a spot, make sure you do these 3 things:
Pay attention to your emails. We will often announce the timeframe of class openings ahead of time
Get on the free waitlist on the top of the class page. If you are on the waitlist, you will be the first to know when the class opens, and for some of our classes, you also may get a coupon code sent your way.
Make sure our emails are getting to your inbox (you’ll need to confirm subscription to the waitlist once you get one one, if you’re new to our list).
We generally open all spring and summer in-person classes, and most of our online classes for a New Year’s sale in early January. In order to find out about the timing of this, and to be eligible for the pre-sale, make sure to get on the waiting list for the class(es) that you are interested in. If you’re not interested in any particular class, but want to be notified when enrollment opens, you can just get on our regular mailing list.
Online Classes: In addition to the New Year’s sale, we also have enrollment periods for online classes throughout the year. Our Online Gardening School opens for a month or two in the late winter/early spring, and again for a period in the summertime. The Tiny House Academy opens in the Fall and in the spring, for about a month each time.
Fall in-person classes generally open for enrollment during our spring sale.
Here is general information on scholarships. Online classes have rolling scholarships during enrollment periods; you can find links to apply in the registration area. We take scholarship applications from November to February and announce recipients in March ahead of the class season. Applications filled out outside that window will not be seen. If you wish to donate a scholarship seat for any class, please email admin@wildabundance.net. Your support is greatly appreciated to increase our scholarship offerings!
We value and appreciate feedback from our community; we realize we don’t exist in a vacuum and that we have blind spots and growth edges. Thanks in advance for any constructive feedback you have! You can submit feedback anonymously (or not) by filling out this form here. Please include your contact info and indicate in your response if you wish to be contacted.
Here is general information about refunds.
If we haven’t answered your questions above, you may find your answer immediately in our more extensive FAQ page.
If not, you can email or call us, please expect to hear back within 2-3 business days.
Email: admin@wildabundance.net
Phone: (828) 649-7728